Converts the specified representation into its boolean value.
Converts the specified representation into its integer or floating-point value.
Converts the specified representation into its enumeration value.
Converts the specified representation into its date value.
Converts the specified representation into its date and time value.
Converts the specified representation to an arbitrary type, so long the type has a fromString method.
Converts the specified representation into its duration (strictly speaking, 'dayTimeDuration') value. For decimal fractions, digits representing less than one millisecond are disregarded.
Converts the specified representation into its time value.
Returns the specified string value. This specialization allows to use the template with any relevant type.
Converts the specified representation into its positive integer value.
Converts the specified boolean value into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified integer or floating-point value into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified date into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified date and time value into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified duration value into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified time of day value into its canonical representation.
Converts the specified "time" representation (time of day with optional fractional seconds) into the corresponding time of day (without fractional seconds).
Converts the specified "time" representation (time of day with optional fractional seconds) into the corresponding duration since midnight.
This service class provides static member functions to convert between values and their representations according to the data type definitions of the XML Schema language. When a conversion (from representation to value) cannot be performed, an exception indicating the XML validity violation is thrown. @Immutable